Excel C1L1 Basic Use

  1. Open Excel and start a Blank Workbook
  2. Save the file as EC1L1YourName in OneDrive. File -> Save As -> Choose the location you want to save it in
  3. Watch the following video about how to navigate in Excel:
  4. Try some navigation by following the directions below:
  5. Select cell A1
  6. Press the right arrow key four times to move to cell E1
  7. Press the down arrow key four times to move to cell E5
  8. Click in Cell H9 to make H9 the active cell
  9. Go to cell T98 using the name box. -> type T98 in the name box -> click ok
  10. Go to cell B1492 using the name box. Click in the name box -> Type B1492 -> hit enter
  11. Go to XFD1048576 using the name box.
  12. Go to cell A1
  13. In cell A1 Type your Name
  14. Type in cell A2 the largest row # you can go to and hit enter.
  15. Type in cell A3 the largest column # you can go to and hit enter.
  16. Add a sheet2. Click the + button by Sheet 1
  17. Click on sheet2.
  18. Type your name in Cell A1
  19. Resize column A so that all the text you entered fits in the cells. Place your mouse between A and B in the column headers -> Double Click
  20. Select Sheet1.
  21. Put a header in your Excel Document with the following:
  22. Put in a header with Your name on the left. See the video below to learn how to add a header:
  23. Put in a date code in the middle
  24. Put in a page number code on the right
  25. Your Spread sheet should like the picture below:
  26. Picture of Header in Excel
  27. Switch back to normal view. Click on the following in the status bar: Normal Button
  28. Type Invoice in cell A5 and press enter twice
  29. Type Address: and press Tab
  30. Type ES Electrical Solutions, Inc. and press enter
  31. Select cell B8
  32. Type 4981 41st St. SW and press enter
  33. Type Berthoud, CO 80515 and press enter
  34. Select cell A11
  35. Type Date: and press enter
  36. Type Number: and press enter
  37. Type Due Date: and press enter twice
  38. In cell A15 type in Customer Number: and press enter
  39. Type Customer Name: and press enter
  40. Undo the last two instructions. Click onUndo Button
  41. Redo the two instructions. Click on
  42. Select B7:B9. Click and drag the mouse over B7:B9
  43. Clear the contents of those cells. Click Home -> Clear -> Clear Contents
  44. Undo the last action. Ctrl-z
  45. Insert Invoice in front of the word number in cell A12. Click on Cell A12 -> Click in front of Number in the formula bar -> Type in Invoice.
  46. Select Cell A13
  47. Type Terms: and press enter to replace Due Date: with Terms:
  48. Resize Column A so that all text in the column is autofited. Put your mouse between A and B in the header area and double click
  49. Resize Column B so that all text in the column is autofited
  50. Your spreadsheet should look similar to the picture below but you will have different information in the first 3 cells in Column A
  51. C1L1 Complete Picture
  52. Turn it your file