Illustrator C1L5 Pen Tool

  1. Open Illustrator on the Computer
  2. Choose New file
  3. Choose Print
  4. Choose Letter
  5. Save your Illustrator as PenYourName
  6. Select the pen tool
  7. Change the color to a blue color
  8. Change the border to an orange color
  9. Draw a blue star shape in the top corner of your paper like the picture below
  10. Change the border color to a blue color
  11. Change the fill to a yellow color
  12. Draw the shape below with the pen tool
  13. Draw each of the following shapes with a black border and your choice of fill color
  14. Draw your name using the pen tool with black stroke and no fill. Click on the white square with a red diagonal line to turn off the fill like the second picture below
  15. Draw box with orange fill over the top of your name.
  16. Select the box.
  17. Right click on it
  18. Click Arrange
  19. Click Send to back
  20. Turn on the Rulers. Click View -> Rulers -> Show Rulers
  21. Change the rulers to inches instead pts. Right click on the top ruler and select inches
  22. Draw a box with a black border with no fill that is exactly 2 inches by 2 inches
  23. Make up your own logo inside the 2 inch by 2 inch box
  24. Add your name in a 72pt font on the bottom of the page
  25. Your Illustrator file should look something like the picture below
  26. Save your changes
  27. Save the file as a PDF with the name PenYourName
  28. Turn in the PDF file