Word C2L1 Lists

  1. Open Microsoft Word on the Computer
  2. Save the a blank document as ListsYourName in your space in onedrive
  3. Set Paragraph spacing Before to 24 points and paragraph spacing after to 36 points. Click Layout -> Change Before to 24pt and after to 36pt
  4. Type MEMO and press Enter
  5. Apply the "No Spacing" style
  6. Turn on rulers
  7. Set a left tab stop at 0.75" on the horizontal ruler and then press enter
  8. Type To:
  9. press tab and type Food Service Associates and press enter
  10. Type From:
  11. Press tab and type your own name and press enter
  12. Type Date:
  13. Press tab and insert today's date
  14. Press Enter:
  15. Type Subject:
  16. Press tab and type Serving Procedure
  17. Press Enter twice:
  18. Type the following:
  19. Press Enter twice and then type Serving Procedure
  20. Press Enter twice.
  21. Start a numbered list.
  22. Type the following list
  23. Press Enter twice to turn off numbering
  24. Press Enter Again to add some space.
  25. Type in Serving Guidelines
  26. Press Enter twice.
  27. Start a bulleted list with the four diamonds as shown in the picture below.
  28. Type the following list items.
  29. Press Enter Three times
  30. Type Thank you for your help in keeping our customers happy and healthy.
  31. Select the items in the bulleted list and sort them Alphabetically. Click Home ->
  32. Save your changes
  33. Turn the word document in