Word C1L5 Make a Memo - Ipad

  1. Download the logo below on your Ipad and save it in your photos.
  2. Follow along with the video below or follow the step by step instructions below
  3. Start a new blank word document on your Ipad.
  4. Double tap in the header area to ad a header. Make it look like the picture below. With the logo selected use wrapping (In Front of text) to get the logo to stop pushing the text around.
  5. Be sure that the color of the text matches the color of the logo. Although it does not have to be a perfect match.
  6. Close the Header
  7. Save it with the name MaMiYourName in onedrive
  8. Use a bold, 18 point font
  9. Hit enter 2 times
  10. Type Memo
  11. Hit enter 3 times
  12. Turn on the rulers by clicking the view menu and selecting rulers.
  13. Set a left tab at 1.25" by clicking on the ruler
  14. change back to 11 point font and no the no spacing style and type the following memo:
  15. Turn in the Word document