PowerPoint C1L4 graphics

  1. Download the file PC1L4ExtraSlides.pptx and save it in Onedrive.
  2. Open a blank presentation on the Computer in PowerPoint.
  3. Save the File as PC1L4YourName
  4. Add the following title to the slide. ES Electrical Solutions
  5. Add the following two subtitle lines. Power Your World
  6. Change the Theme to the Depth Theme. Click Design -> Select the Depth Theme If the Depth theme is missing download it Here
  7. Add a new Two Content Slide. Click Home -> New Slide -> Two Content
  8. Add the title Home Energy Evaluation to slide 2
  9. Add the following bullets on the left.
    1. Evaluation cost is $299
    2. Optional evaluation features can add to the price
    3. Future savings
  10. Download the following image
  11. Add the picture you just downloaded to the right side of your slide
  12. Crop the picture so that the building is gone and the windmill is about 1/3 of the distance to the right side of the picture. Select the picture -> Click Picture Format -> Crop -> Drag the right bar left to crop the right side of the picture -> Click Crop
  13. Your cropped picture should look like below:
  14. Increase the font on the slide 2 bullets to make the text more readable
  15. Insert all the slides in order from the PowerC1L4ExtraSlides.pptx file. Click Home -> Reuse Slides -> Browse -> Browse File -> Find your downloaded file -> Open -> Uncheck Use Source Formatting -> Click Insert All
  16. Close the Reuse Slides Pane.
  17. Select the 3rd slide and move the picture so that it is not covering the text.
  18. Add a 6th slide
  19. Make the layout Title slide for the 6th slide
  20. Add the Subtitle Schedule an appointment today
  21. Add the Title ES Electrical Solutions
  22. Insert a Footer with slide number, Date and ES Electrical Solutions on all slides but the first slide. Click Insert -> Header & Footer -> Select Date and Time -> Select Slide number -> Select Don't show on title slide -> Select Footer and type ES Electrical Solutions -> Select Apply to All
  23. Move the second slide so that it is the next to last slide. Select Slide 2 -> Click and drag it to the desired spot
  24. Check Spelling. Click Review -> Spelling (Ingnore ES and Eckerman)
  25. Preview how the presentation as a slide show. Click Slide Show -> From Beginning
  26. Your presentation should look like the picture below.
  27. Go through the presentation and increase font size to make the text easy to read on a screen
  28. Turn in your PowerPoint presentation