Illustrator A1 Assessment

  1. Open illustrator
  2. Click New File
  3. Select Print
  4. Change points to inches
  5. Change width to 6 inches and height to 4 inches. ***Note that this is a standard postcard size
  6. Click Create. To zoom to full screen Crtl-0
  7. Save your file in onedrive with the name illCreateYourName
  8. Draw a hexagon with a height of 3.5 inches and put it right in the center of the card
  9. Change it to an octagon
  10. Double click on the stroke color and change it to the color Cyan
  11. Change to no Fill
  12. It should now look the picture below:
  13. Draw a circle shape and put them on each corner on both sides of the octagon like the picture below:
  14. Use the shape builder tool to create the following shape from the previous shapes.
  15. Change the stroke color to Magenta
  16. Change the stroke to 25pt
  17. Draw the following shape using the pen tool
  18. Select everything that you have drawn so far and Group it
  19. Get a white sheet of paper and write your name with a black pen
  20. Take a picture of it with your iPad
  21. Email the picture to yourself
  22. Log in to your email and on the computer and download it
  23. Move the file from the downloads folder to your computer apps folder in onedrive
  24. Open the file with illustrator
  25. Select the picture
  26. Do an image trace and choose sketched art
  27. Open the settings for Image trace and adjust the Threshold to what looks best for your signature. I used 170 for mine, but yours may look best with a different value
  28. Click Expand
  29. Double Click on your signature once
  30. Select your entire signature but not the rest of the tracing
  31. Group your signature
  32. Copy it
  33. Go back to your post card and paste it
  34. Change the width of your signature to 5 inches. If the height doesn't also automatically change undo your width change and click on the chain link icon next to the width. Then change width again to 5 inches.
  35. Move your name to the bottom of the card
  36. Select the logo group and resize it and move it to the left side of the card like the picture below
  37. In the open space on the right of the logo and above your signed name create one of the following: A stick figure or a robot pointing to the logo that looks like it is saying check it out. For maximum credit use both shapes and the pen too to create the stick figure or robot. For a level 4 on this assessment go epic on this instruction
  38. Save your changes
  39. Save the file as a pdf with the name illcreatePDFYourName
  40. Turn in the PDF file