Excel C1L7 Stock Tracker 3

  1. Open Your Stock Tracker
  2. In cell E4 type in today's date.
  3. Select E4:H4 and change to 20% - Accent 1 cell style
  4. Use finance.yahoo.com to look up the current prices.
  5. Change cells that are not formated as Accounting to Accounting if they should be.  
  6. Insert a Line Graph of the Values of your stocks. Select C12:H16 -> Insert -> Insert Line or Area Button -> Stacked Area.
  7. Change the Chart Title to Stock Value.
  8. Change the Series names to the Ticker Symbols.  Right Click on the Legend on the bottom of the chart -> Select Data -> Select Series 1 -> Click the Edit Button under Legend Entries(Series) -> Type in the Ticker Name for the stock in that row.
  9. Edit the rest of the series names to be the ticker symbols.
  10. Save your changes.
  11. Turn it in