Photoshop C2L3 Adjustment Layers iPad

  1. Create a new 11 wide by 8.5 inches tall Photoshop file with the name PC2L3AYourname
  2. Find a Picture and ad it twice to the photoshop file
  3. Modify one of the pictures using adjustment layers to improve the picture. Make sure that it is different enough that I can tell that it is different
  4. Label with text the original picture and the Modified version so that I know which one is which
  5. Play with the paint brush tool. Modify settings of the paint brush and draw/write something that uses four different paint brushes/colors and other modifications.
  6. Make 3 different sample fonts by messing with the font settings and colors.
  7. Here is a video of me creating a photoshop that meats the requirements:
  8. You should end up with something like the example that I created below.
  9. Turn it in