Word C2L3 Create Envelopes

  1. Open Microsoft Excel on the Computer
  2. Save the file as E2YourName
  3. Create a spreadsheet with 30 addresses like the example below. Be sure you use the same first line as shown below and then add the 30 addresses below. Use a random address generator online for ideas
  4. Close the Excel file
  5. Turn in the Excel file
  6. Open Microsoft word on the computer
  7. Save it in onedrive with the name E2YourName
  8. Change to Layout to an #10 Envelope. Click Layout -> Click Size -> Envelope #10. If there is no #10 Envelope option, choose more paper sizes -> scroll to the bottom of the paper size options -> choose custom size. Enter a width of 9.5 inches and height of 4.125 inches
  9. Change to Landscape. Click Orientation -> Click Landscape
  10. Change Margins to .18 on all sides. Click Margins -> Custom Margins -> Change top, Bottom, Left, and Right Margins to .18
  11. Switch to the No-Spacing Style
  12. Type in your address like the same picture below:
  13. Set a tab at 3.75 inches
  14. Hit enter until you are down to the middle of the envelope from top to bottom
  15. Hit Tab
  16. Start a Mail Merge. Click Mailings -> Click Start Mail Merge -> Click Step-by-step Mail Merge wizard -> Click Next Starting document -> Click Next: Select recipients -> Click Browse -> Find your E2YourName spreadsheet file with your 30 addresses -> Make sure First row of data contains column headers is selected -> Click OK -> You should see sample addresses from your spreadsheet. Click OK
  17. Select Next: Write your letter
  18. Insert Codes for a good address in the middle of the letter like the picture below: Click Insert Merge Field -> Insert FirstName -> type a space -> Insert Lastname -> Hit enter -> Hit tab -> Insert Address-> Hit enter -> Hit tab -> Insert city -> Type , and a space -> Insert state -> hit space -> insert zipcode -> Your address should look like the picture below:
  19. Select Next: Preview your letters
  20. The codes should now be your first address from your spreadsheet
  21. Select Next: Complete the merge
  22. Select Edit individual letters
  23. Select All and press OK. Word will create a new document that has all of your 30 envelopes with all 30 address. Save this Word document that has all letters with the name E2MergedYourName
  24. Turn in the file with the name E2MergedYourName